Granite Records was formed in 1999 by singer/songwriter, Lana Grant. It was established to promote her music, highlight music and musicians from the East Coast, to create special music related events and projects (like the cook book), as well as to "pay it forward" (through raising awareness and/or charitable needs) to causes and organizations who are doing great things for others.
This Cook Book features a chapter in the book called "Recipe For Help" where we bring the topic of mental illness out of the shadows and give people a glimpse at what it's like to watch a loved one suffer with the disease, as well as a story from a brave 16 year old telling us what it's like to live with the disease. It also has resource pages with contact info and services available to people who may need information, help or support in relation to mental illness.
If you have any questions or concerns about purchasing the book, any issues with the shipping, cart or checkout, or simply require more info about the book before making a decision to purchase, please feel free to check out: or email
Visa/Mastercard purchases will be available on the official website noted above in December and check the website for store locations, in case you want to save yourself the costs of shipping.
Thanks for your support!
Lana Grant